Apoyo a Omar Echeverría

El quintanarroense es el primer representante mexicano en Tiro con Arco Adaptado en la historia. Participa en los Paralímpicos de Tokio 2021. Omar sufrió una lesión en la médula espinal a la edad de diecisiete años mientras lo llevaban a Cancún para las vacaciones de verano. Trágicamente, el automóvil no llegó a Cancún, ya que […]

Support for Omar Echeverría

The Quintana Roo is the first Mexican representative in Adaptive Archery in history. He participates in the 2021 Tokyo Paralympics. Omar suffered a spinal cord injury at the age of seventeen while receiving a ride to Cancun for summer break. The car tragically didn’t make it to Cancun, as there was an accident–killing one of […]

Call of support to our Paralympians

“My name is Omar Echeverria Espinoza, National Selected in Adapted Archery. I have been practicing this sport for more than seven years and training to participate in the Paralympic Games. Last March I did it, I won a gold medal in my category and a team gold medal in the Para-Pan American games in Monterrey, […]

Fundación Zamna A.C support Jade Frías

Fundación Zamna A.C sponsored Jade Frías (9) and her family, supporting them with a special wheelchair for the disease that Jade suffers from: cerebral palsy.  The commitment took place last Monday when Sandy, from Fundación Zamna A.C, gave the wheelchair to Jade’s family, who at only 9 years old suffers from cerebral palsy.  “I want […]

Zamna A.C Foundation is born

“We are very happy and proud to shed light on this project. We always distinguish ourselves by supporting those most in need. Now is the time to give back to this land the success it has given us. Zamna A.C. Foundation is born in support of the Mayan Community, protectors of this magical land: Tulum.” […]